Tag writers
How Can We Overcome Disloyal People?

1) Honesty Honesty plays a prominent role in ourselves and the people around us. The most crucial element that destroys us; sincerely knowing we are hurting our loved ones. What is honesty? It’s a truthful factor that defines who we…
Her name was Esther, Part Two

Nia found love, a kind of love so beautiful and strong it could break the world unimaginable. Her passion is more vital than her own, for her vigor outstands her slightest idea of weakness and that being sorry was not…
“Letter to My Unborn Son”

Everything seemed so dim in the beginning. And Son, I knew you before the sun could even see sunlight. First, I thought it was a mere dream, a world so undeniably unreal. I will tell a story that I will…
“As If We Cared”

What if we could look past our mistakes and make an effort to grow from them? What if we could live our lives as we would never see another day? What if we could pray instead of feeling devastated? What…